Personal project


AI-Powered Micro-Learning platform optimizing user idle time and engagement through personalized content
Speck is an innovative AI-driven micro-learning platform designed to transform continuous learning. By leveraging advanced AI technologies, Speck delivers tailored micro-content that optimizes user idle time and enhances engagement. This full-stack SaaS solution incorporates modern technologies to create scalable, personalized learning experiences that adapt to each user's needs and schedule.

Design and Development

We approached the development of Speck with a focus on creating a robust, scalable platform that could deliver personalized learning experiences. Our tech stack was carefully chosen to support this vision:

  • Backend: We used Node.js and Express to build a powerful and flexible server-side application.
  • Database: PostgreSQL was selected for its reliability and ability to handle complex data relationships, with Prisma as our ORM for efficient database operations.
  • Frontend: We leveraged Next.js to create a responsive and performant user interface, ensuring a smooth experience across devices.
  • Cloud Infrastructure: AWS services were utilized to ensure scalability and reliability of our platform.
  • AI Integration: We incorporated Llama 3.1 and Langchain to power our AI-driven content creation and personalization features.

Features and Functionality

Speck's core functionality revolves around delivering personalized, bite-sized learning content. Key features include:

  • AI-Driven Content Creation: Utilizing Llama 3.1 and Langchain, we automated the generation of tailored learning paths and micro-content.
  • Personalized Learning Paths: Our AI algorithms analyze user behavior and preferences to create custom learning journeys.
  • Smart Scheduling: The platform intelligently identifies and utilizes user idle time for optimal learning opportunities.
  • Gamification: We incorporated game-like elements to boost user engagement and motivation.
  • Social Collaboration: Features that encourage users to learn together and share insights, enhancing the overall learning experience.
  • Mobile Optimization: Ensuring seamless access to learning content across all devices, particularly smartphones for on-the-go learning.


Speck represents a significant step forward in the realm of continuous learning. By harnessing the power of AI and modern web technologies, we've created a platform that not only delivers knowledge but does so in a way that fits seamlessly into users' lives.

The project is ongoing, with continuous improvements and feature additions planned. We're excited about the potential impact Speck can have on personal and professional development in an increasingly fast-paced world.

While the project is not currently open-source, we're always open to feedback and suggestions from the learning and technology communities to help shape the future of micro-learning.