
Random stuff

Hello and welcome to my misc page. This is where I share some of the things that I have created or worked on in my spare time. You will find a variety of stuff here, from hobbies, skills to writing to just random stuff. Some of these are things that I am proud of, some are experiments that I learned from, and some are just for fun. I hope you enjoy exploring this page and discovering more about me and my interests. Feel free to leave me a feedback or a suggestion if you like.

Notion dumps

TIL (Today I Learned)

This is a collection of things I learned today. Technical and non-technical.

Notion Page Link

Useful Links/Resources

This is a collection of links that I find useful. It includes new tools, some of my favorite websites, and more.

Notion Page Link


Tech Stack
Node + Express
Full Stack
System Design
Project management


Changing my habits and behaviors is a challenge, but Iโ€™m determined to keep going. I have two reasons for making this page: to keep myself on track, and to offer some of these habits and techniques to anyone who might find them useful. Iโ€™ll try to keep this current.

๐Ÿคซ Turn off most notifications

Tested. It works! Notifications are annoying and distracting. (I'm talking about Instagram, yes turn that off๐Ÿ˜ถ) Turn off most of them and only keep the ones that matter.

๐Ÿšซ Avoid soda/coldrinks

Avoiding it since Dec 2022, and it's been great. Soda contains sugar, I mean a lot! Avoid it and drink water instead. It's better for you and it's free.

๐ŸŽ Eat less junk food

I'm still trying with this one. Junk food is just bad. Everyone knows that. Eat less of it and pick more healthy and tasty meals instead, like banana. minions Approved!

๐Ÿƒโ€โ™‚๏ธ Exercise 4/5 days a week

This one is constant for a long time. Exercise is good for you and makes you happy. Feel low? Are you angry? Do some sets! Do it often and mix up your routines to keep it fun and exciting.


Howdy arsh

I created this Instagram account to post coding related content, which I don't know why I have kept on. I occasionally post some content over there


Portfolio v1.0

The previous portfolio, which I made in 2019.


Photography page, what????

I don't know why I made this, but I did.
