College project


CollegeSpace is a website for CSPIT students/alumni to access academic information
CollegeSpace is a project that I created to help the students and alumni of CSPIT, the college where I graduated from. It’s a socio-academic portal that has everything you need for your studies, such as books, notes, and old papers. I built this website with my friends in the third year of our degree as a group assignment. CollegeSpace is a fun and easy way to access and share academic resources with your peers

Design and Development

We worked as a team to create this project, and we assigned different roles to each member. We chose the best technologies for our website, such as React for the front end, Firebase for the data hosting, and Figma for the design and prototyping.

Features and Functionality

Some of the features that we included in our website are:

  • Posts section, where the latest news/info has been published
  • Lecture Notes section, from where one can get notes/upload their own
  • Books section, which gives books subject wise
  • Previous year's exam paper section
  • On-premises clubs information
  • Timetable for each department


I loved working on this project. We saw an opportunity to improve the flow of sharing educational information and we did it. The project is still live and our friends used this application irl back in 2021 when our curriculum was online and we were attending the University remotely. It was my first project in React and in web development in general and I am grateful that I fall into this domain.